Tina owns the nursery and has been open for almost 30 years. Tina is Level 5 NNEB. Tina Is very community based and will support all local businesses and charities. Tina is passionate about mindfulness especially for children. Tina created Wellasaurs.
Kelly has worked at Wells House since 2004 and recently been appointed Manager. Kelly has her level 5 in childcare and is our safeguarding and SENCO lead. Kelly is very creative within the layout and set ups in the nursery. She’s very approachable and cares deeply for all children in her care.
Megan (Meg) has been at Wells House since 2021. Megan is the Deputy Manager and SENCO lead. Megan is based in the Discoverers toom (3–5 year olds), and is level 3 qualified. Megan loves to get the children singing and making music, especially “Guess the tune”
Nicola has been at Wells House Since 2000. She is our very own Communication Champion and has her level 3 NNEB. Nicola is based in the Discoverers room (3-5 year olds). Nicola loves to learn about new festivals and celebrations and loves a theme and party day with the children.
Hazel has been at Wells House since 2014 and is based in the Little Adventurers room (18m - 2 year olds). Hazel is level 3 and loves to plan activities while “in the moment”, engaging children from their interests.
Natalie (Nat-Nat) has been at Wells House since 2014. Natalie is level 5 and is based in the Little explorers room (2-3 year olds). Natalie loves to engage with the children but really enjoys when it is child-led as she can see their imaginations coming to life
Nakita has been at Wells House since 2017. Nakita is level 3 and based in the Tiny Wanderers room (0-18 months. Nakita is a very nurturing character and A motherly presence in the baby room.
Carissa has been at Wells House since 2018. Carissa is level 3 and based in the Little Adventurers room (18m - 2 year olds). Carissa really enjoys developing new areas for the children to have the wow factor. Carissa likes to create resources by recycling materials.
Ellie has been at Wells House since 2021. Ellie is level 3 and based in the Tiny Wanderers room (0-18 months). Ellie loves to get the babies up dancing and enhancing their physical abilities in an enthusiastic way.
Georga has been at Wells House since 2021 and is level 2. Georga is based in the Tiny Wanderers room. Georga loves to make the children laugh; she creates her own stories to draw the children in.
Jessica (Jess) Has been at Wells House since 2024. Jess is working towards her level 3 and based in all rooms. Jess enjoys messy play and really likes to colour with the children. Jess is currently doing her apprenticeship with us.
Andrea (Andi D) Has been at Wells House since 2023. Andrea has a foundation degree in childcare and is based in the Little explorers room (2-3 year olds). Andrea loves to get creative with the children and link it to their play. Andrea buys lots of recycled materials and gets her mum to make things for the nursery.
Andrea (Andi c) has been at Wells House since 2023, but previously worked here for 4 years before. Andrea is level 3 and based in the Little Explorers room. Andrea has a passion For SEND children and helps with 1-1 sessions during the nursery day.
Ushmi has been at Wells House since 2023. Ushmi is currently working towards her level 2 in childcare and is based in the Discoverers room. Ushmi enjoys learning new things and implements all training within the rooms.
Roza is our cook. Roza loves to make fresh food that all our children really enjoy. Roza is also a cake baker, painter, seamstress and musician. She helps all staff with little activities.
Here are some of the comments Ofsted made about Wells House Kindergarten in their latest report