Hours, Fees and T&Cs

Hours and Fees

We are currently updating our fees. Please call 01204 571777

Terms and Conditions

  • A two week retainer fee is required. This will be refunded once four weeks' notice of leaving is given to management. Four weeks' notice of leaving is required for management to vacate your child’s place. If no notice is given then the retainer fee is forfeited.
  • Fees are payable on the first day of attendance.
  • The nursery has zero tolerance of unpaid fees. If fees are in debit by two weeks, you will have to vacate your child’s place until the fees are paid up to date. If your fees are still not paid, then they will be passed onto a debt collection agency who also charge interest.
  • All holidays are paid for in full including Bank and Public Holidays. If we have to close due to severe weather conditions then fees are still payable.
  • When your child is sick, then full fees are still required. A doctor's note may be required by Wells House depending on the nature of sickness before your child can return to the nursery. Wells House reserves the right to exclude any child in the event of illness or threat of infection to the other children.
  • A child will not be allowed home with any other persons other than the person who normally collects him/her, unless by prior notice with either a photograph or password.
  • Parents are required to provide adequate amounts of nappies and wipes for your child whilst attending Wells House.
  • Parents are asked to provide adequate suncream and a sun hat for their child during the summer months. Failure to provide will result in your child being unable to join in with full outside activities. This is due to children having reactions from various suncreams.
  • All allergies and medication must be detailed on your child’s enrolment form. Any prescribed medication must be signed for before any medicine can be administered.
  • All children must be off the premises by 6pm prompt. Otherwise a charge of £5 per 15 minutes will be made.
  • Fees are paid by Standing Order


Click here to download our Parents' Handbook

Here are some of the comments Ofsted made about Wells House Kindergarten in their latest report

  • The experienced and long standing management team are committed and passionate. They have high aspirations for the quality of the nursery. The management team regularly create clear targets to help them improve further.

  • Since the last inspection, they have forged links with local primary schools and nurseries and together they share good practice.

  • The environment is highly stimulating. Each area is carefully planned to capture children’s interests and to support their development. For example, older children benefit from a vast range of activities and interesting resources aimed specifically at supporting their literacy skills.

  • A wealth of information is exchanged between staff and parent’s. Staff offer well targeted support for parent’s to extend children’s learning at home. For example, parents are offered activities and professional advice, such as tips on promoting children’s speech. This contributes to the good progress that children make.

  • Staff provide a consistent approach to promoting children’s positive behaviour. For instance, staff working with very young children use picture cards to communicate positive messages, such as kind hands. Older children help to create the rules which are displayed in their room. All children’s behaviour is good in relation to their age.

  • Staff have a good understanding of safeguarding procedures. This is underpinned by effective policies. Consequently, children's safety and well-being is supported

  •   The management team demonstrates a strong commitment to promoting high-quality childcare  

  •   Regular training opportunities undertaken by staff ensure qualification levels are high and they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to provide quality care and learning. This has had a positive impact on the learning experiences offered to children, particularly babies